M1 Practice Test – Rules 4

The main purpose of the M1 written test is to assess a person’s theory knowledge of driving. It is to ensure learner drivers are aware of those traffic signs, road rules, and traffic signals so that they can act accordingly and safely.

How can a motorcyclist alert others on the road to let them know that they are in need of help?
A motorcyclist should place his/her helmet on the ground, near the road.
One should leave the engine running while waiting by the road side.
One should switch on the head lights.
One should switch on the tail lights.



In case of a seized engine, the motorcyclist should…
Apply the clutch in order to disengage the engine from the rear wheel.
Use the brakes hard as quickly as possible and then stop and pull over.
Switch the four-way flasher on.
Begin downshifting and start decreasing the speed of the motorcycle.



If the front tire blows out when on the road, the motorcyclist should…
Move his/her weight to the back as much as possible.
Move his/her weight to the front as much as possible.
Move his/her weight to the right side.
Move his/her weight to the left side.



When a motorcyclist is nearing a railway crossing, and a train is approaching at what distance from the closest gate or rail should the motorcyclist stop?
At least 5 metres away.
At least 1 metre away.
At least 15 metres away.
At a distance of 50 meters.



What style of driving does the phrase ‘staggered formation’ refer to?
It refers to driving motorcycles in a staggered manner so that there is no risk to other drivers on the road or to the motorcyclists themselves.
It refers to driving motorcycles staggered in all the different lanes of the road so that a lot of distance is maintained between the motorcycles.
It refers to staggering vehicles at large distances from one another so that the following distance between vehicles is increased.
It refers to a process of staggering drivers in a line one behind another in an even manner.



In case the wheels get locked, what should a motorcyclist do?
Apply threshold braking.
Increase the speed by applying the throttle.
Employ the front brakes.
Employ the rear wheel brakes.



In case of a stuck throttle, how should a motorcyclist react?
One should decrease the pressure on the throttle, pull the clutch in, and use the kill switch to turn the engine off.
Raise the speed with the throttle, apply the clutch, and use the kill switch to turn the engine off.
Reduce throttle pressure and pull the clutch in.
None of the above steps should be applied.



At what frequency should one look into the mirrors while driving on a freeway?
One should do so every 5-10 seconds.
One should do so every 1-2 seconds.
One should do so every 2-4 seconds.
One should do so every 15-20 seconds.



How does driving over metal gratings, worn out road facades, and grooves make a difference?
It creates a sense of loss of control over the motorcycle.
It results in a balanced and even driving experience.
It results in an airlifting experience.
All of these



What are the requirements for towing a trailer with a motorcycle that can do so?
Valid motorcycle license, a registered trailer, trailer plates, and a trailer permit.
Valid motorcycle license.
Valid motorcycle license and trailer permit.
Valid motorcycle license, trailer permit, and a registered trailer.



When a motorcyclist carries a passenger, the extra rider’s weight affects the motorcycle and…
Will result in the motorcycle reacting slower than usual.
Results in the motorcycle responding faster than before.
Will not have any effect at all the motorcycle.
Will help the motorcyclist to maintain batter control over the motorcycle’s balance.



What are some of the reasons for wobbling?
All answers are correct.
Wobbling can be caused by loose wheel bearings.
Wobbling can be caused by loose spokes.
Wobbling can be caused by worn out steering parts.



In case you are carrying cargo, at what level should it be kept?
It should be kept low to avert a change in gravity and to prevent interference with motorcycle balance.
It should be kept high to prevent a change in gravity and to avoid any alterations in the motorcycle’s balance.
The placement of the cargo is of little consequence as long as the motorcyclist checks on it regularly.
None of these statements are applicable.



If the engine locks or freezes, what should a motorcyclist do?
Pull over and then wait until the engine cools down before adding oil to it.
Pull over and then wait until the engine cools down before adding gas line antifreeze to it.
Add the wiper fluid for the windshield.
Get the gas tank replenished.



If you have chosen to change your lane while driving and move to the left lane, before the lane change you should:
Signal and check your left mirror and look over your shoulder once to make sure that all is clear and it is safe to move.
Use the left mirrors to clearly see the lane before changing.
Use the right mirrors to see the lane and check whether it is secure to change.
Reduce the speed, shift the gears, and then use both brakes.



Why are motorcyclists advised against shifting gears while turning?
All of these
The rear wheel can lock if there is jerky downshift, which may result in a skid.
Shifting gears may increase the speed, causing a loss of traction in the rear wheel and this can result in a skid.



Why should you not share lanes with other vehicles?
By driving too close to other vehicles, motorcyclists are at a risk of collisions and accidents and hence sharing lanes should be avoided.
By driving close to other vehicles, one can remain safe in the company of the rest of the traffic and hence lane sharing is good.
Lane sharing is useful because 2 vehicles will receive more notice than 1 and hence it is safer.
Both the second and the third statement are correct.



What should motorcyclists take into consideration at railway crossings?
All answers are correct.
One should be alert since specific vehicles are required to stop at railway crossings as part of company policy.
For heightened control over the motorcycle one should drive towards parallel tracks in one’s direction at an angle of 45 degrees minimum.
Drive slowly, be careful, keep an eye on the surroundings, and note the signals, lights, gates and flag-persons.



In case a need arises for a motorcyclist to stop the motorcycle while making a turn, the following process should be used:
One should use both the front brakes and the rear brakes simultaneously.
One should only use the front brakes in such a situation.
One should use only the rear brakes in the situation.
One should start downshifting.



On approaching an intersection, you notice the road is blocked with traffic. You should:
Stop before entering the intersection and wait until traffic ahead moves on
Sound the horn to warn cars ahead to move on
Keep as close as possible to the car ahead
Proceed slowly into the intersection until the traffic ahead moves on



A driver entering a highway via an entrance ramp must:
Signal and accelerate in order to merge smoothly with highway traffic
Give a hand signal, and then take right-of–way
Signal and drive slowly in order to avoid an accident
Sound horn and proceed with caution



A motorcyclist should keep the mirrors positioned in such a way that he/she can:
See as much as possible of the adjacent lane and also a substantial part of the lane behind him/her.
See just the lane next to him/her.
See just the lane that is behind him/her.
While driving in heavy traffic, there is little need of mirrors.



What is black ice?
It refers to the situation when a thin layer of ice covers the asphalt.
It refers to a frozen mixture of mud and snow.
It refers to recently-paved roads that are still wet.
It refers to a mixture of snow and ice.



A highly skilled motorcyclist has which of the following qualities?
The ability to always be ready for the errors of the other drivers.
The ability to react properly, even without being prepared in advance to do so.
The ability to drive faster and at a greater speed than others on the road.
A good driver is one who drives at a lesser speed than other drivers on the road.



In case a freeway exit is missed, what should one do?
Proceed and take the next exit.
One should decrease the speed, move on to the shoulder, back up and enter the exit ramp that was missed.
One should decrease the speed, move on to the shoulder, turn the motorcycle around, and enter the exit ramp that was missed.
You should move back carefully to the missed exit.



Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed limit on the highway outside of a city, town, village, or built-up area is:
80 km/h
60 km/h
50 km/h
40 km/h



With an M1 level driver’s license, a motorcyclist can carry a passenger if…
At the M1 level a motorcyclist cannot carry a passenger under any circumstances.
They are wearing a helmet.
The motorcycle is properly equipped with a seat for pillion riders.
If the motorcycle is equipped with all the needed requirements for carrying pillion riders.



How should you react if flying debris or other objects hit you?
All answers are correct
Keep a firm grip on the handlebars and keep looking at the road.
Once it is safe, get off the road.



When entering a freeway, what is the right time to turn on your turn signal?
When one reaches the entrance ramp and the freeway traffic is able to see you.
When one reaches the exit ramp, from where one is visible to the other traffic on the freeway.
The moment one reaches the acceleration lane and becomes visible to the other traffic on the freeway.
There is no compulsion for motorcyclists to turn on the signal when entering a freeway.



In a situation where a number of motorcyclists are traveling with each other, what kind of driving manner should they assume?
The motorcyclists should adopt a staggered formation.
The motorcyclists should drive next to each other.
The motorcyclists should drive one behind the other in a line.
The motorcyclists should drive next to each other, but in separate lanes.



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Motorcycle M1 Quiz – Rules 4

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Motorcycle Test Ontario: How To Pass?

Motorcycle Test OntarioIn Ontario, Canada, to have a motorcycle, you must pass your motorcycle driving test to get a license. It doesn’t matter where you live; that’s a federal law in the state. Therefore, to start your driving career, you must visit one of the provincial licensing programs and register for the Ontario motorcycle test.

You can only apply for a license when you are at least 16 years old. That’s the legal age in the state. For the riders, you must engage in practicing motorcycle riding to gain knowledge and understand the Canadian roads. With time, you get more experienced and confident.


How to pass the motorcycle test in Ontario

Take Practice Tests

Multiple online driving practice tests will help you pass the actual exam. They guarantee high chances of passing your exams on the first trial. The best thing about the practice exams is that they are free in every province or territory. It is an excellent way for learners to prepare for the actual written exams. However, keep in mind that the practice exam test is not carbon copies of the official exams. They familiarize one with the kind of questions and formats that you will come across during your exams.

The goal is to test your understanding and knowledge on the pressing questions like road signs, speed laws, and the right traffic procedures.

Relax and complete the entire test.

When sitting for the motorcycle test in Ontario, it’s always advisable to stay calm and relax. Stressing out is not good for an exam; it gives you tension, and you end up performing poorly. The great thing is to focus and complete the entire exam calmly.

Stress could make you get stranded on a paper such that you end up not doing the exam. Instead, take that chance and work out your written exams to the end. It’s a surprise how staying attentive once you start attempting the questions makes you do your best.

Re-take your practice tests and exams.

After doing the multiple practice tests and exams, it’s recommended to re-take them. You might need to know what you need to focus on more before the motorcycle test, Ontario, begins. It helps you to identify the last-minute topics that you must memorize. Through this, you gain and build more confidence to approach the exams. Besides, knowing that you are well prepared makes you sleep soundly on the eve of your test.

During your actual exams, read every question keenly.

You are already provided with enough time by your examiner. Therefore, it would be best to take your time and tackle all the given questions. Suppose you miss answering some questions, or maybe you do it incorrectly out of a rush, you end up scoring poorly, thus leading to a re-take.

The actual test has tricky words used that would call for attention. You should read all your questions carefully together with answers given before you provide an answer.

Be Prepared

Although this article has listed a few ways to use in preparation for the motorcycle test, Ontario, there are other ways to pass the actual exams. Despite the preparation method, ensure to take the opportunity and focus on studying and learning the road signs and speed laws.

Remember, the official exam is designed to prepare you for the rest of your driving life ahead and keep you and passengers safe on the roads. Therefore, as you prepare, take the road’s appropriate measures, learn, and relax while at it!

Use the manual Handbook from the Local Licensing Office.

The Handbook entails a lot of state’s driving information. It makes your test easier to tackle. Without any knowledge from the driver’s Handbook, the exam gets difficult. Therefore, highlight the critical points that might require you to pay more attention to and take notes. Studying the documents will track your progress effectively.

The territorial and provincial driving handbooks have a lot of information that tends to be overwhelming. Use the Handbooks and browse through them to familiarize yourself with the material you are likely to be tested on in motorcycle test, Ontario.

Remember, the moment you start studying the Handbook, it gets easier to know the sections you need to familiarize yourself with before exams.

Arrive at the test location early with the needed documents.

Before you sleep on the eve of your exams, ensure you are well prepared. Your document should be in place instead of rushing in the morning of the exams. Looking for the documents at the wrong time can make you arrive late for the actual exams.

The great way is to ensure everything you need is put together on the night before exams. Review your checklist of the needed materials and documents to do the motorcycle test, Ontario.

Usually, it would be best to arrive at your exam room 30 minutes earlier to enable you to have sufficient time to settle in. It is good enough to help you be in a proper mindset before doing your written exam.

Study on the road signs.

Learning the road signs is a no-brainer. However, it would be best if you frequently studied to keep the signs fresh in your mind. Remember that it’s possible to forget the basics. There is no need to get confused trying to recall what a basic sign means while doing your exams.

At times, the nerves might cloud the memory. Therefore, it’s advisable to take up the road sign test and polish up on the basics before the examination date arrives. Practicing gives you confidence. You might not get a similar road sign test as the actual exam, but you get a hint of what you should expect. For that, you get less likely to feel nervous before the actual exam.

Final verdict

For the preparation of the written test, numerous practice tests are found online. The multiple questions are meant to prepare you for the motorcycle test Ontario needed for you to obtain a Motorcycle driver’s license.

Therefore, the free practice motorcycle written knowledge exam is an essential lesson to help you prepare for the real test, after which you obtain a driver’s license at the local motorcycle licensing office.

However, you have to pass well in your final exams.