M1 Practice Test – Rules 3

It’s important that you avoid sites and sources using old M1 test questions and answers. Laws and regulations are constantly changing and you can’t count on old practice tests to ask the right questions or give you the most up-to-date answers.

When you are about to make a turn, how should you prepare your passenger?
Ask them to lean along with the motorcycle as you do the same.
Tell them to grip the safety bar.
Ask them to lean further than you in case it is an extremely sharp turn.
If the turn is extreme, ask them to lean less than yourself.



What is the significance of always wearing protective face gear while riding a motorcycle?
It acts as a shield for the face and prevents any debris and flying objects from flying into the eyes.
It helps to keep the face warm during the cold weather.
It adds an aesthetic touch and helps fight harmful effects of the sun.
It helps secure the eye glasses and protect them.



What is the significance of the lane or blocking position, and which is the best position to maintain?
The lane position of a motorcycle is an influencing factor in determining safety and security on the road. For enhanced safety while driving, motorcyclists are advised to choose their lane positions with care, according to the specific road and traffic conditions of the time.
Lane position plays a significant role in according protection and safety to the motorcyclist and it is advisable to drive in the middle of the lane.
Lane position plays an important part in ensuring defence and security for the motorcyclist and it is advisable to drive in the right tire track position.
The lane position influences the safety of the motorcyclist and one must drive only in the left tire track position at all times.



Why are motorcyclists advised against driving in the centre of a lane?
It is a bad driving position because oil accumulates in the centre lane and it can get slippery and dangerous when wet.
It is recommended because it maintains maximum distance from cars on the side.
It is recommended because it maintains high traction since the lane is covered with gravel.
All answers are correct.



What is the relationship between cold weather and tire pressure?
Cold weather causes tire pressure to decrease.
Cold weather causes tire pressure to increase.
Cold weather does not cause any difference in tire pressure.
Cold weather causes tire pressure to decrease and increase.



When a motorcyclist is turning left from a curb lane into a curb lane, which tire track position should be used?
The left tire track position.
The right tire track position.
The centre tire track position.
The tire track position is insignificant as long as the motorcyclist is comfortable and at ease.



What tire track or blocking position should a motorcyclist use when turning right in a wide lane?
The motorcyclist should use the right tire track.
The motorcyclist should use the left tire track.
The motorcyclist should use the centre tire track.
The choice of blocking position or tire track is not significant as long as the motorcyclist feels comfortable and at ease.



What is the significance of ensuring a large cushion of space around oneself when driving a motorcycle?
All answers are correct.
It allows one to respond to a difficult situation in time.
It allows one to respond to a difficult situation in time and to shift positions on the road.
It helps other drivers on the road to maintain a clear view of you and helps to avoid any accidents.



When a motorcyclist raises his left arm parallel to the ground and turns the forearm down from the elbow to indicate towards the ground, what does it mean?
The motorcyclist intends to reduce the speed or stop.
The motorcyclist intends to turn right.
The motorcyclist intends to turn left.
The motorcyclist intends to leave the highway.



What kind of risk is posed when motorcyclists overdrive their headlights?
All of these
The motorcyclist is actually travelling faster than the headlights allow him/her to see.
By doing so, a motorcyclist runs the risk of not having enough distance to stop safely.



What considerations should be kept in mind while driving a motorcycle in foggy conditions?
One should drive at a slow speed and if the motorcycle has fog lights, they should be turned on.
One should keep the high beam light on for maximum visibility.
One should stop at any time when the fog becomes too dense for clear visibility.
One should drive at high speeds to pass the fog quickly.



What is the best way of maximizing your safety on the road when a vehicle in front of you is turning left?
Slow down, quickly gauge the surroundings, move to the right, and be prepared to react in case a vehicle turns up in the front.
One should decrease the speed, take note of the surroundings, and move to the left with a plan of response in case a vehicle turns up in the front.
You should keep driving at the current speed, appraise the surroundings and move to the right side with a plan to react if a vehicle turns in ahead of you.
None of these methods have to be followed.



It is important to apply the braking as needed prior to…
Entering a turn.
Switching on the signal lights.
Shifting between gears.
Driving into the intersection.



What is the risk posed to motorcyclists from turbulence from large vehicles?
All of these.
The heightened degree of air pressure exerted by the turbulence from a large vehicle hinders the motorcyclist’s ability to maintain a firm control on the motorcycle while passing the large vehicle.
The large amount of airflow created by the turbulence emanating from big vehicles on the road can negatively affect the motorcyclist’s balance and ability to maintain full control on the motorcycle and this can create risks when one tries to pass the large vehicle.



What is the role played by good traction when a motorcyclist is driving on slippery surfaces?
All answers are correct.
The traction enables the motorcycle to brake without falling.
The traction helps the motorcyclist in maintaining a firm balance without falling.
To traction plays a role in enabling the motorcyclist to steer without falling.



Which factors come into play for a motorcyclist to make other drivers on the road aware of his/her presence while attempting to shift lanes or make a turn?
The turn signal.
The size of the motorcycle’s engine helps.
The size of the motorcycle’s tires helps to alert other drivers.
The color of the motorcycle is important in this respect.



There is a foot pedal available in most motorcycles. Which brakes does this foot pedal control?
It controls the brakes of the rear wheel.
It controls the brakes of the front wheel.
The pedal is not connected to the brakes of either wheel.
The pedal controls the brakes of both the wheels.



When approaching an intersection where there is a flashing amber traffic light, you must:
Slow down and proceed with caution
Stop if making a right turn
Continue at the same speed
Stop if making a left turn



While accelerating or applying the brakes forcefully, it is important to…
Maintain an upright, vertical position, and stay very straight.
Angle the motorcycle to the left.
Angle the motorcycle towards the right.
One does not need to do anything in particular as increasing the speed or applying the brakes hard has little or no effect on the motorcycle.



Which part of a wet road is usually the most slippery?
The centre of the lane.
The lane’s right track.
The lane’s left track.
Close to the curbs of the lane.



When a motorcyclist is turning left from a passing lane into a passing lane, which tire track position should be adopted?
The right tire track position.
The left tire track position.
The centre tire track position.
The tire track position is not significant as long as the motorcyclist feels comfortable making the turn.



When a motorcyclist is driving behind a bus that is entering the road by leaving a bus bay, who has the right-of-way?
The bus has the right of way.
The motorcyclist should enjoy the right of way.
Whichever of the two vehicles was on the lane/spot first should have the right of way.
The other traffic that is moving in the intersection has the right of way on the road.



What is implied by the phrase ‘lane splitting?’
It refers to driving on the line between lanes of traffic.
It refers to a car and a motorcycle driving in the same lane.
It refers to two motorcycles driving in the same lane.
All answers are correct.



When can a motorcycle pass on a shoulder?
Only if a vehicle is turning left and you have a paved shoulder on the right side.
It is appropriate only when a vehicle is moving towards the left, which then leaves you an unpaved shoulder towards the right side.
It is correct at any time when the vehicle ahead of the motorcyclist is driving at a speed of 40 km/h.
A motorcyclist can pass on a shoulder at any time when it is safe to do so.



What is the most dangerous position to be in when driving a motorcycle on the road?
In the blind spot of another vehicle on the road.
It is risky to be driving ahead of another vehicle.
It is risky to be behind a vehicle.
It is risky to drive immediately alongside a vehicle.



Which of the following tips does not apply to driving in the rain?
To be able to affect a stop properly, only the front brake should be applied.
Ensure that you transfer between moves efficiently, in a smooth manner, so as to avoid the danger of skidding.
Ensure that you maintain a proper lane position at all times so that you can steer clear of debris, oil, and grease on the road.
Wear brightly-coloured clothing and reflective gear so that you are visible to others on the road.



A flashing red signal light at an intersection indicates:
Stop and proceed only when it is safe to do so
Signal light is out of order; proceed with caution
Slow down and yield right-of-way to vehicles approaching from the left or right
Slow down and proceed with caution



Two vehicles reaching an uncontrolled intersection at approximately the same time must provide right-of-way to:
The vehicle approaching from the right
The vehicle with emergency lights flashing
The fastest vehicle
The vehicle approaching from the left



If you are followed closely by other vehicles, which of the following is advised?
Increase the space between you and the vehicle in front of you.
Use the brakes to worry the other driver and force them to change position.
Reduce the distance between yourself and the vehicle ahead of you.
Apply a blocking position to dissuade the other driver.



What are the effects of alcohol consumption on a motorcycle rider?
It hampers one’s sense of judgment and concentration and disturbs one’s normal driving skills.
It helps one to become more relaxed.
It augments one’s driving skills and makes one a better driver.
It has no effect whatsoever.



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Motorcycle M1 Quiz – Rules 3

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M1 Motorcycle Test, Everything that You Need to Know

To enjoy the scenery in Canada, you need a motorcycle. It’s the most efficient means of traveling that would make the great ride enjoyable. However, you need to have the proper documents that show you are eligible to use a motorcycle on public roads. To open the doors that allow you to do this, you have to do the M1 motorcycle test.

M1 Motorcycle TestPassing this test is not easy; it’s a daunting task that calls for sufficient learning and studying. You have to take the M1 practice exam seriously for you to perform well in the official exam. The practice exam resources are crucial in boosting your confidence and scoring higher in the first trial.

M1 motorcycle test has 40 questions. These are structured based on the M1 rider’s Handbook. It’s a written exam that aims to test the basic knowledge of your motorcycle riding skills in Ontario. Besides, you learn more about the road rules, traffic signs, and procedures.

Keep in mind that every question has four answers to choose from. You are only supposed to give one correct answer. The passing mark for the test is a bare minimum of 32 out of 40 questions. The great thing about the M1 practice test is that they give hints suppose you doubt your answer, but this doesn’t happen with the official test.

Remember that the official M1 motorcycle exam includes 20 questions from the G1 test; therefore, make sure to practice those too before hitting the exam room.

The free online M1 motorcycle practice test involves multiple-choice questions. The questions might not be the same, but they are good enough to help you with the Motorcycle M1 Test. You should do the test to help you access the local licensing office’s motorcycle driver’s license.

To pass the M1 motorcycle test, ensure to have a copy of the Ontario motorcycle handbook. Browse through it as you study to gain more information that you will need during the official exams. You can do the M1 knowledge exam from the drive test location of your choice. However, to upgrade to an M2 license, you got to be smart. You should plan well by ensuring to write the M1 exam 60 days before taking the course, though your M1 permit will expire in 90 days!


Why the Practice questions are practical or M1 motorcycle test preparation:


It builds confidence

Confidence is often invaluable when it comes to examinations. Did you know that M1 practice exam is a carbon copy of the official exams? To build your confidence during the actual exam, you should rehearse the questions thoroughly and do multiple re-takes to ensure you have gained enough courage and confidence. With that, the process of studying how to ride gets less intimidating since you already have tackled your course content as needed.

Practice! Practice! Practice!

Most students feel that they are ready to do the M1 motorcycle test. However, even the experts will always practice even the basics. Those are the little things that could elude you when you get nervous.

Overall, practicing makes things perfect. It helps you do your best during the exams. Mostly, people fail and pass while preparing for the exam; therefore, do the best you can to have a great chance the moment the official exam comes.

Cost Saving

The cost of paying for a re-take can break you. Suppose you fail your official exam on the first attempt; you have to repeat the same test at an extra cost. To avoid this, ensure to take the practice tests to familiarize yourself with the questions and formats of the M1 motorcycle test. It saves you a lot of money and assists you excel on the first attempt.

More Relevant

Practice tests are always summarized, making it easier for you to focus on the more relevant information and an actual exam format. Unlike the Ontario official Handbook that requires a student to read the A-Z that the course entails. Therefore, if you are about to take the M1 motorcycle test, it would be best to take advantage of sufficient preparation practice questions.

Boost Chances of Success

The M1 practice test is done online. It gives you a great chance to work in the comfort of your home. Therefore, it’s convenient for you to practice more and more. It’s a great way to capture the areas that are much tested on, thus makes you less nervous on the day of the test.

Useful insights

M1 practice test experts are familiar with the frequently asked questions. Therefore, they are aware of the kind of tricks that examiners use on the main exam. You will be in a good position if you take the practice test seriously.

Restrictions for M1 Learner’s Permit:

  • With an M1 permit, you are only allowed to ride during daylight hours.
  • On the Ontario roads, you should not ride on a 400-series highway.
  • Your blood alcohol content must be zero. Therefore, you should not drink alcohol.
  • It does not allow you to carry a passenger on your bike.

Final Verdict

Just as mentioned earlier, before using the Ontario roads, everyone must do the M1 motorcycle test. Passing the written knowledge test is crucial. It’s the only way to obtain a motorcycle permit.

However, the M1 licence is only valid for 90 days. You acquire it after scoring higher in the multiple-choice test given at the examination center. For the M1 test, you don’t need to have an appointment; it’s always available.

Most people will have tension, and they feel it is challenging; for such, it’s advisable to practice and do re-takes to pass. Note the M1 exam is necessary. For others, the exam is like a breeze; they obtain their license in no time.

The commonly asked question is what happens, suppose one fails the M1 exam. Note that failing the M1 motorcycle test on the first attempt will have you re-applying for the M1 license. It takes about seven days to re-apply for that test.

The law gives you three chances to re-take the M1 motorcycle test; that’s why it’s advisable to the written test seriously.