In Ontario, it is required that you have an official MTO air brake test or endorsement on your license before you take to the road.
A braking system works by converting mechanical energy into what?



A warning device must alert the driver if the pressure in the air brake system falls to what level?
380 kPa (55 psi)
420 kPa (60 psi)
360 kPa (52 psi)
320 kPa (46 psi)



The spring brake subsystem is designed for which of these?
Parking and emergencies
Normal stopping
All of these
Heavy skidding



Which of these vehicles is most likely to have air brakes?
A school bus
A pickup truck
A motorcycle
A large sedan



The air compressor for an air brake system draws its power from where?
The vehicle's engine
The vehicle's wheels
The vehicle's fan intake
The vehicle's battery



In an air brake system, what purpose does the alcohol evaporator serve?
To prevent freezing
To prevent overheating
To slow the system down
To increase pressure



The air tanks for an air brake system can be found where?
Under or around the frame of the vehicle
On top of the vehicle cab
On top of the engine
Above the rear license plate



If an air brake system has an air dryer, where will it be found?
Between the compressor and the supply tank
Between the supply tank and the second tank
Between the second tank and the third tank
In any of these locations



Spring brakes will normally start to apply when system pressure drops below...?
414 kPa (60 psi)
314 kPa (45 psi)
514 kPa (74 psi)
614 kPa (89 psi)



Why is it important for you to know where compressed air from the air brake system on your vehicle exhausts?
Because it can be dangerous
So that you can clean them
So that you can check their pressure
It isn't particularly important



In a normal braking situation, most modern air brake vehicles will use automatic valves to do what?
Reduce the pressure at the front wheels
Increase the pressure at the front wheels
Reduce the pressure at the rear wheels
Increase the pressure at the rear wheels



In an air brake system, the service brake subsystem is used for what?
Normal braking
Emergency braking
All of these



Which of these persons can perform brake readjustments on manual and automatic slack adjusters?
Certified technicians
Regular mechanics
Vehicle owners
Drivers licensed to operate air brake vehicles



Under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, an air brake system should never drop below what pressure?
552 kPa (80 psi)
617 kPa (89 psi)
436 kPa (63 psi)
334 kPa (48 psi)



As you press down on the brake pedal, what happens to the valve which is attached to it?
It opens wider
It starts to narrow
It remains the same
Any of these depending how hard you press



When draining tanks on an air brake system, which tank should be drained first?
The supply tank
The last air tank
The second air tank
The third air tank



Moisture in an air brake system can be dangerous for what reason?
All of these
It can reduce the volume of air
It can freeze in cold temperatures
It can cause corrosion



Where will you find air brake chambers?
On each wheel
On the front wheels
On the rear wheels
To the compressor



At what pressure do safety valves on air brake systems normally open?
1035 kPa (150 psi)
1135 kPa (164 psi)
1235 kPa (179 psi)
935 kPa (135 psi)



Normal air brake system pressure range is around…?
690 to 828 kPa (100 to 120 psi)
138 to 173 kPa (20 to 25 psi)
1035 to 1135 kPa (150 to 164 psi)
380 to 420 kPa (55 to 60 psi)



Spring brakes are applied when...?
Air pressure leaves the brake chamber
Air pressure builds up in the brake chamber
Air pressure builds up in the wet tank
Air pressure reduces in the compressor



The supply tank for an air brake system does what?
Collects moisture and oil from the air
Collects only moisture from the air
Collects only oil from the air
Adds moisture to the air



Which is the only one of these that is part of a disc brake system?



If you are driving and a warning tells you that your air pressure is low, what should you do?
Stop immediately
Proceed at a low speed
Have it checked at the next garage
Alert the mechanics at the end of your journey



The pushrod stroke is produced by compressed air entering...?
The brake chamber
The compressor
The primary tank
The wet tank



Many vehicle manufacturers recommend draining moisture and oil from a vehicle's air tanks at what interval?



Why do air brake systems have dual-service tanks?
For safety
For economy
For efficiency
For power



In an air brake system, what does the governor do?
Regulates the air pressure
Regulates the amount of air released to the brakes
Regulates the speed of your vehicle
Regulates the revolutions of the engine



Which of these can you expect from an air brake system that you will not get in a hydraulic brake system?
A split second delay
More efficient braking
Less efficient braking
More wheel lock



Where will you find the air pressure gauge for an air brake system?
On the vehicle dashboard
Underneath the vehicle hood
Next to the compressor
Attached to the brake discs



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Tips to Pass Your MTO Air Brake Test on the First Try

In Canada, it is required that you have an official air brake endorsement on your license before you take to the road. It is the rare individual who enjoys tests, but that doesn’t mean you can’t excel at them.

You know you need to go into your test well-prepared. That means knowing you’ve done all the things you need to in order to walk in knowing you can pass your test on the first try.

Read The Official Handbook

You need to buy or download The Official Air Brake Handbook. A lot of people try to skirt around doing this. It would be easier to find another way to learn all the things you need to know. It feels like actively handling an air brakes system is more efficient and practical than reading a book. However, you will be taking a written test. Learning all of the practical details covered in your handbook is essential for success. Yes, this is a commitment, and that intimidates some people. They want to find a way around committing to reading the entire thing, probably more than once. But it’s the commitment that puts you on the path to success.

mto air brake testRemember, it’s just a book. You can read the book in manageable chunks at a time. It helps to read with a highlighter or with paper to take notes on. The act of engaging with the text and pulling out key pieces of information will help you commit this to memory.

Take a Practice Test

Once you’ve read through the handbook the first time, take a practice test. You haven’t done too much studying yet at this point, but taking this test the first time through will help you see where you’re at and how much information you’ve retained. This will give you a starting point as you move onto the next step.

You can take the class AZ practice test free online, so you can do this as many times as you’d like. Keep in mind that the practice test isn’t the same as the real test, but does give you an idea of the format and types of questions you will be asked.

Study, Study, Study

Now that you’ve taken your first practice test, you have a better idea of where you’re at. Hopefully, you could see the things you know at this point, and the information you still need to work on. It’s good to continue reviewing the information you already know to keep it fresh, but also to dive deeper into the information you’re unfamiliar with.

Plan far ahead of your test date and work on studying a little each day. Some days you can skim through the material and other days you’ll want to dive in and read it slowly and with care. Mixing up the routine helps keep your mind sharp and focused.

Retake The Practice Tests

You can do this as often as you’d like, but make sure you are doing it repeatedly. The action makes you feel comfortable with the test environment, it puts your brain to work recalling the information and sets you on the path for passing your MTO air brake test on the first try.

Run Yourself Through A Step-by-Step Process

If you don’t have access to a vehicle with air brakes, that is fine. Put your hands out in front of you like they’re on the wheel and run the actions through in your mind while you act them out. This will help you make the practical knowledge you’re learning feel real and stay in your mind.

Think it through. What do you do, step by step, for a MTO air brakes test? The engine on, brakes on. You check your gauges. You want to see that the governor cuts the compressor off at 120 PSI. Act out the motions for doing this. And then what do you do next?

You can always stop to consult your notes if you need to. You can also record yourself doing this on your phone and then watch the video while checking your actions against your notes to see if you did it correctly as a way to test yourself.

Prepare For the Day

As with any test, make sure you take care of yourself the day before and the day of your test. Get a good night’s sleep, hydrate, and have a good breakfast. If your body isn’t in the best shape, your mind will focus on that instead of answering questions about air brakes.

Be Confident

When you’re out on the road, you want to be with a first-time driver who is nervous enough to take things seriously, but not so scared they’re likely to cause an accident. This is the same when you take your test. If you do the above actions, you will have studied appropriately. You can handle this. Stay positive and take your MTO air brake test with confidence.