Once you know the topics that are likely to be tested, it is advisable to read books containing the information. This will enable you to give correct responses so that you can pass the test.

In order to run in a federal election you must be at least what age?



What are the laws passed by municipal governments that only affect the local community?
Regional laws
Town laws
Provincial laws



Which of these maintains the National Register of Electors?
Elections Canada
The Governor General
The House of Commons
Provincial legislatures



How many electoral districts (a.k.a. ridings or constituencies) are there in Canada?



To vote in an election or referendum, how far must you register in advance?
You can register on the day
Three weeks in advance
Four weeks in advance
Two days in advance



What is the piece of paper you vote on called?
A ballot
A voter’s list
A riding
A voter information card



In Federal Elections, Canadians vote for whom?
Members of the House of Commons
Members of the Senate
The Prime Minister
The Governor General



What do you call the political party with the second largest number of seats in the federal government?
Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition
Minority government
Majority government
The Cabinet



If you can’t vote on election day, how can you vote?
In advance polls or special ballot
You can’t
After the election
On the Internet



To be valid, your vote has to consist of what drawn in the circle next to the name of your chosen candidate?
A tick
Any symbol



Which of these does not fall under the responsibilities of a municipal government?
Snow removal
Recycling Programs



Who has the right to demand that you tell them how you voted in an election?
Your MP
The Prime Minister
The sovereign



Which of these is not a major political party in Canada?
The Labour Party
The Conservative Party
The New Democratic Party
The Liberal Party



The Prime Minister and government ministers collectively are called what?
The Cabinet
The Board
The Rulers
The Collective



Who is responsible for running government departments?
Cabinet ministers
Lieutenant Governors
Members of Parliament



How many people can run for office in a single electoral district?
As many as apply



Federal elections are held on the third Monday in which month?



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An Ultimate Canadian Citizenship Test Study Guide

Are you planning to take the Canadian citizenship test? If yes, then you’re at the right spot.

Getting citizenship of a country is indeed a happy moment but nobody knows the struggle of passing the citizenship test. The night we spent away learning about the country’s rights and history.

No doubt, the process can be a little overwhelming when we don’t know much about the Canadian citizenship exams. But what if we save all your trouble by offering an ultimate Canadian citizenship test study guide.

But before moving forward, let’s answer the question of an hour.

What is the Canadian Citizenship Test?

Individuals between the ages of 18 and 54 who are applying for citizenship in Canada must take a citizenship exam. The most popular type of examination is a written one, but a candidate might also be asked to take an oral test with a citizenship officer.

What the Exam will be Like

Canadian Citizenship Test Study GuideNow coming to the part where we will answer all the questions about what the exam will be like. The citizenship test will determine if you have sufficient knowledge of Canada. You must be aware of your rights, liberties, and obligations in order to properly engage as an individual. To pass the test you should have sufficient knowledge about Canada’s history, symbols, social history, cultural history, a form of government, political parties, and much more.

There will be 20 questions on the exam. The test will be multiple-choice, and you will have 30 minutes to complete it. To pass, you must correctly answer at least 15 questions. You will be contacted for a brief interview if you pass the test. Your name and the originals of the papers you submitted at the time of application will be checked by the citizenship officer. The officer will even ask you a few questions to test your language proficiency. After that, the oath-taking ritual is the final step of being a Canadian person. Your invitation to the reception will be mailed to you. About 4-6 months after the test, it will take place.

No need to worry, if you didn’t pass the examination on the first attempt. In three or four weeks, you will retake the exam. The date, time, and location will be mailed to you. If you didn’t clear it in the second attempt then there will be a brief interview with a representative who will ask you questions related to history and all. This is only to make sure your knowledge regarding country and language proficiency.

How to Prepare for the Test

There are a few pointers which you need to consider before studying for the citizenship exam. Learn from the citizenship manual, which is basically a research guide for the Canadian citizenship test. The guide is divided into categories and includes facts about Canadian history, democracy, territories, and symbols. The manual is an excellent place to start your preparations. The best resource, when you’re preparing for your Canadian citizenship exam is following the official government research guide for immigrants. Other than this, below are some tips to ace the examination.

Tips To Ace Your Canadian Citizenship Exam
  • Always Be Interested – This is basically for someone who has enough time before appearing for the examination. You can exchange questions with your Canadian friends about history, political parties, and all. Studying ahead of time is not a bad thing, plus the key is to always be interested and curious to know about Canadian culture. Who knows what information might get useful for you in the examination. Sometimes the things we learn on a daily basis are the purest form of knowledge. So our advice is to always be careful and curious to know about Canadian history.
  • Read the Official study guide – The only official Canadian citizenship research guide is Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship, which is available online, in pdf format, and also in audio format. This guide contains all of the answers to any questions you may have.
  • Prefer a Class – If you find it difficult to study on your own then there is no shame in taking a class. Know that your ultimate aim is to get citizenship and to help you out with the delirious process, many courses are available. The benefit of taking a class is you will learn on a regular basis with more dedication and this will surely increase the chances of clearing the exams.
  • Take Practice Tests – It is true when they say, practice makes a man perfect. Without taking a Canadian citizenship practice test, you won’t know about your strongest and weakest part. Not just this, it helps you to improve the part which you are failing. Start taking practice tests only when you are secure in your abilities to pass them without the use of any materials.
  • Do Study with Partner – Two is always better than one. When you study in a group or with a partner, you will exchange knowledge. Group studies are always better than when you’re studying alone. Not just this, you can have a healthy competition with your partner who learns it fast or taking random quizzes and all.
  • One another important piece of advice, don’t be late on your test day. Make your schedule and reach the venue before the decided time. After the time specified on the invitation, no one is permitted to enter the exam room. The next test will be in two or three weeks. If an emergency prevents you from taking the test, notify the nearest IRCC office within 30 days and offer a fair answer.


There you have it! Here we have mentioned all about the Canadian citizenship test study guide. We understand that the process of passing the test can be overwhelming and tedious but it is the final step of your immigration journey. So, be more careful and study hard to ace the examination. It is important to know all about the country’s culture, history, symbols and all, this way you can ensure the representative that you love the nation and that’s why you want to be a part of it.

So what’s the halt now? Use these tips and make yourself a legit citizen.