This free practice quiz is presented in the same format as the Canadian citizenship exam. The material covered is based on Discover Canada “The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship” book. This is your opportunity to get hands-on experience of new Canadian citizenship test. Take the practice exams and familiarize yourself with the functionality.

Which bill contains Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s portrait?
The $5 bill
The $10 bill
The $20 bill
The $50 bill



What is significant about the number of people living in Ontario?
They make up one-third of all Canadians
They make up half of all Canadians
They make up two-thirds of all Canadians
They make up three-fourths of all Canadians



Which of these is a Canadian icon comprised of serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces?
The Snowbirds
The Royal Canadian Navy
The Lieutenant Governor and his Cabinet
The Governor Generals



What makes a jury?
A group of impartial citizens
A group of judges
A group of people who know the law
A group of lawyers



Which are the two official languages of Canada?
English and French
English and Italian
Italian and French
English and Chinese



Who invented the Cardiac pacemaker?
Dr. John A. Hopps
Gabriel Dumont
Mathew Evans and Henry Woodward
Alexander Graham Bell



How are Senators selected?
They are appointed on the advice of the Prime Minister.
They are appointed on the advice of the Governor General.
They are elected by the people.
They are selected by the Elections Canada officials



What is the capital of Canada?



Which was the first province in the British Empire to move towards the abolition of slavery?
Upper Canada
North America
Lower Canada
South Canada



When is Remembrance Day celebrated?
November 11th
December 26th
May 1st
July 1st



What was the Women's Suffrage Movement?
An effort by women to achieve the right to vote
An effort by women to achieve the right to work
An effort by women to achieve the right to a seat in Parliament
An effort by women to achieve the right fight in the military



What is the name of the Royal Anthem of Canada?
God Save the Queen (or King)
O Canada
I Swear
I Affirm



Who are the ancestors of the Métis?
Aboriginals and Europeans
Inuit and Aboriginals
Europeans and Americans
Americans and Aboriginals



In what year were the Aboriginal Peoples granted the right to vote?



Jurisdiction is shared by federal government and provinces over which of the following sectors?
Agriculture and Immigration
Interprovincial trade and communications
Defence and health
Natural resources



Which province is connected to Canada’s mainland by one of the longest continuous multi-span bridges in the world?
Prince Edward Island
Newfoundland & Labrador



What does the term "mobility rights" mean?
The right to live and work anywhere in Canada
The right to freedom of speech
The right to be given a job in any province
The right to work at home



Who do you call the Queen's representative in the territories?
Prime Minister



When is Canada day? What is celebrated on this day?
July 1st, when the anniversary of Confederation is celebrated each year
July 4th, when the anniversary of Confederation is celebrated each year
May 21st, when the Queen's birthday is celebrated each year
June 24th, when multiculturalism is celebrated each year



Which country was liberated by the Canadian Army in 1944 - 1945?
The Netherlands



Which is the most famous invention of Research In Motion (RIM), a wireless communications company?
The BlackBerry
The first wireless voice message
The Canadarm
The iPhone



What can Canadians do if they cannot pay for a lawyer?
They can apply for Legal Aid Services
They can petition a politician
They can call the police
They can write a letter to their Member of Parliament



What was significant about the Canadian navy at the end of the Second World War?
It was the third-largest navy in world.
It was the fourth-largest navy in world.
It was the largest navy in world.
It was the second-largest navy in world.



Who suggested the name “Dominion of Canada” in 1864?
Sir Leonard Tilley
La Fontaine
Lord Elgin
Sir John Alexander Macdonald



At the Olympic Games in 1996, which Canadian became a world record sprinter and double Olympic gold medalist?
Donovan Bailey
Wayne Gretzky
John Cabot
La Fontaine



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Citizenship Test Online: Preparing for Your Canadian Citizenship Exam

The Canadian citizenship test is one of the most important steps towards the grant of Canadian citizenship. Immigrants who are working for Canadian citizenship will need to take this test if they want to live and work in Canada as full-fledged citizens.

Like any other test, citizenship tests require ample preparation and knowledge of the topic.

Planning to take the Canadian citizenship exam anytime soon? Read on to learn how you can prepare for this exam.

Checking Your Eligibility

Not everyone can take the Canadian citizenship test. There are minimum requirements for citizenship which are clearly outlined on the official website. These requirements include:

  • length of physical stay in Canada (1095) days
  • status of residence in Canada in the last 5 years
  • special eligibility requirements

Citizenship Test Online Applicant must be physically present in the country as a permanent resident for 1095 days within 5 years prior to applying for citizenship. The applicant’s status within those 5 years is also considered. Every day spent in Canada by someone with permanent residence is counted as a full day. For someone with temporary residence, every day is counted as half a day. To know about the specific category you fall under, you can check for the complete eligibility requirements at

Preparing for the Canadian Citizenship Written Exam

The good thing about preparing for the Canadian citizenship test is that there is one single resource for test materials that you can use to prepare. This is Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship. This guide covers topics anyone who wishes to become a citizen needs to know. These topics include:

  • history
  • economy
  • geography
  • government
  • Canadian laws and symbols

Mastery of this guide takes you one step closer to citizenship since most of the questions in the written exam are taken from this guide. There is no need to worry if you are not fluent in English or French since the exam is not designed to test for language proficiency. All you need to ensure is that you can give the right answers to the questions asked.

It is important to have a system when studying for the test especially if you only have a short window to prepare. You can do the following to maximize your preparation time so you can take the test with confidence.

Set aside fixed study hours during the day

The Canadian citizenship test is a vital part of your journey towards citizenship. This means that you need to commit a few hours each day or week to serious preparation. Even if you have a full-time job, you can still prepare well by committing 30 minutes to an hour of review each day after work or during your lunch break.

Start early so you can pace yourself

While you might feel the pressure building up as your examination day draws nearer, it is important to learn how to pace yourself. This means starting your preparations in advance, even before you receive the acknowledgment letter inviting you to take the exam. Start reading review materials about 3 months prior to the exam. The more opportunities you have to read and reread, the better your ability to recall vital information will be. Cramming for an important exam will do you more harm than good so start as early as you can.

Use it during your free time

The guide is designed to be flexible and easy to use. It comes in downloadable PDF/eBook and audio forms so you can listen to it on the go or save it on your device for easy reading. If you are not used to studying using digital devices you can also order a paper copy of the guide which can be useful if you study better by writing notes down.

Taking the Online Citizenship Test

In the past few years, online testing has become an ideal method of testing because it allowed for better access to the examination and faster processing. Due to recent pandemic restrictions, face-to-face examinations have been temporarily suspended and all exams are currently done online.

Online examinations are 30 minutes long and composed of 20 questions in either multiple choice or True/False form. Examinees need to get 15 out of the 20 questions right to pass the test. The exam can be taken in either English or French.

Preparation for the online test is more or less the same as preparation for the traditional examinations. You only need to make sure that you know what the process is for taking the test because online examinations will require you to go through a series of steps before you can take the test. For example, you will need to the test link, confirm your identity by taking a photo of your ID, and then taking a photo of yourself. These are security precautions to ensure that you and not someone else are taking the exam. 

If you are not too technologically savvy and you know that going through all these steps will take you some time, you can practice ahead of time. The official website at provides an online tutorial for the test as well as information on what you should prepare prior to the test, such as your webcam, ID photos, among others.

Applicants are also prohibited from taking the exam on mobile devices such as their mobile phones, tablets, and iPads. Examinations must be taken using a desktop or a laptop in a well-lit area so that the examinee is visible through the webcam for the duration of the exam. This is an important thing to note since you will need to source a laptop or a desktop in case you currently don’t have one at home.


The examination for Canadian citizenship can bring you a step closer to your dream of becoming a Canadian citizen. The good thing about this test is that the Canadian government provides all the materials you need to take the exam with confidence. The only thing you need to do is give yourself ample time to prepare, commit to learning all you can about this country using the official guide, and familiarise yourself with the online examination procedures so your exam goes off without a hitch. By coming prepared, you raise your chances of acing the exam and you’ll be that much closer to becoming a Canadian citizen.