Passing the Canadian Citizenship Tests may require some preparation on your part. Some people prepare intensively by taking classes or studying Discover Canada book and other materials. Others are comfortable with simply brushing up on a few of the subject areas where they feel they need practice.

What is the meaning of the right to a secret ballot?
It means that voters have the right to vote in secret and the right to keep their voting decisions secret.
None of these
It means that voters have the right to vote in secret after telling the polling officer which candidates they want to elect.
It means that voters have the right to take the ballot paper out of the polling station and put it in a secret place.



When is Remembrance Day in Canada?
November 11th
July 1st
September 7th
November 1st



For which of the following is the Municipal Government responsible?
Urban transit
Aboriginal Affairs



When did "Canada" become the official name of the land?



What are the three levels of government in Canada?
Federal, provincial or territorial, and municipal
Federal, provincial or territorial, and county
Federal, state, and city
Federal, provincial or territorial, and rural



Which of the following are five distinct regions in Canada?
Atlantic Provinces, Central Canada, Prairie Provinces, Northern Territories, and West Coast
Prairies, Pacific, Atlantic, Southern and Western
Northern Territories, Prairies, Arctic, Eastern and Pacific
Northern, Atlantic, Eastern, Pacific and Southern



When people need a representative to act on their behalf in a court of law, who should they hire?
A lawyer
A police officer
A Member of Parliament
A Politician



What are the colors on the Canadian Flag?
Red and white
Green and white
Red and blue
Blue and white



What is the usual tenure of the Governor General of Canada?
5 years
6 years
7 years
4 years



Which one of the following governments provides “publicly-funded” education?
The Provincial and territorial governments
The Federal government
The Municipal government
None of these



What are members of the House of Commons also known as?
Members of Parliament or MPs
Members of the Provincial Parliament (MPPs)
None of these



The provinces are responsible for which of the following?
Health care
Interprovincial Trade and Communications



The Great Lakes are all located in which Canadian Province?



How is the Prime Minister of Canada appointed?
The leader of the party with the most elected representatives becomes the Prime Minister
The Prime Minister is chosen by the Members of Provincial Parliament
The Prime Minister is chosen by the Members of Parliament
The Prime Minister is chosen by the Senate



Which of the following songs is Canada's national anthem?
O Canada
The Maple Leaf Forever
My Canada
The Maple Leaf Rag



What is the name of the national police force of Canada?
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
The North West Mounted Police (NWMP)
The South East Mounted Police (SEMP)
The Royal Canadian Military Police (RCMP)



Who was Sir George-Étienne Cartier?
A railway lawyer and famous politician
Canada’s first Prime Minister
The first head of a responsible government
The first French-Canadian Prime Minister



Which of the following people were Loyalists?
People loyal to the Crown
British colonialists
Army commanders
Aboriginal peoples



If the government loses a confidence vote in the assembly, they:
Must resign
Continue to govern without confidence
Do nothing
Call for by-elections



Where have most immigrants come from since the 1970s?



When did Canada’s first financial institutions open?
In the late 18th and early 19th centuries
In the early 18th century
In the late 19th century
In the early 16th century



What do the symbols on the coats of arms on Canadian bills represent?
All of these
Red maple leaves
England and France
Scotland and Ireland



What is the first language of more than three-quarters of the population of Quebec?



Which of the following was a key phrase in the British North America Act of 1867 (Canada’s original constitutional document)?
Peace, Order, and Good Government
Discipline, education, and good public
Geopolitical entity
Trade and communications



Which country is Canada's largest trading partner?
United States



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All You Need to Know About Citizenship Test Canada

Applying for Canadian citizenship but don’t know much about the citizenship test? Well, if that’s the case we are ready to help you.

There is a lot more to know when you are appearing for the citizenship test in Canada. The process can be overwhelming if you don’t know the right way to do it.

Most first-timers get a little worried and anxious when it comes to passing the test. However, you can cut the daunting part and jump right to the part where you’re celebrating it with your family members.

You must be wondering how? Well, it is possible if you learn and know all about the exam beforehand.

Most people who failed the examination don’t know much about it. So the very first step is to get clear concise about it.

Here in this guide, we will be discussing the same in layman’s terms.

What is the Canadian Citizenship Exam?

In Canada, the citizenship exam will be either written or conducted as an oral interview. It’s usually a multiple-choice exam. You will be requested to appear for a 30 to 90-minute citizenship conversation with a Canadian citizenship administrator if you cannot read or write comfortably in French or English, or if you have any challenges that can preclude you from completing the written exam. These meetings are normally conducted in person, but they may also be conducted over the phone. It is the exam for getting Canadian citizenship.

Who has to Take the Test and Go to the Interview?

Citizenship Test CanadaNot everybody is allowed to take a written test in Canada. So it is important to know in which category you fall, Below we have mentioned the same.

  • The adult whose age is 18 to 54 years old is mandatory to take both written and interview tests.
  • Adults who are over 55 need not appear for the written test but have to go through the interview process.
  • Minor who are below 18 years applying for citizenship with a Canadian parent or whose parents are applying for the same need not take a written test but in exceptional cases, they can be asked to appear for an interview.
  • Minor between 14 to 17 year old without Canadian parent or guardian applying for citizenship are not supposed to take the written test but have to appear for the interview part.
  • All minors who are under 14 years without a parent or in other cases parents applying for citizenship need not take a written test but have to appear for the interview process in some exception.

What’s on the Test?

Now after knowing the eligibility part, the next thing you need to cover what type of question would be asked in the written test. As you are appearing for the Canadian citizenship test, you need to know all about the country. You need to know all about the country’s history, symbols, economy, geography, and much more. The written test will consist of 20 questions. The language proficiency will be judged on the interview part. You need to answer at least 15 questions right to pass the examination.

What to Bring While Appearing for the Citizenship Test Canada?

Many times people forget to pay attention to the documents and other things in a hurry. So, don’t be the same who lost his/her chance because of carelessness. Our advice is to prepare for everything in advance. The documents which are necessary when you appear for a test are:

  • The notice or copy of a mail where you asked to appear for the examination.
  • It is important to bring a permanent resident card if you had one.
  • You need to verify your identity, so always carry two identification cards which can be a driver’s license or health care card, it should have your photo, and the other card which can be foreign id documents.
  • Further, you need to bring all the travel documents or passports which you have mentioned in your application form.
  • It would be well to bring a certificate if you have language proficiency in French and English.
  • All the necessary documents which are mentioned in your notice appear by email.
How Much Score is Necessary to Clear the Test?

The test should be in English or french containing 20 questions with a duration of around 30 minutes. To pass the exam, you must get 15 correct answers. Your exam would most likely be written, but it can also be spoken. On test day, a citizenship official might determine that you will take a verbal exam rather than a written one. The type of test is determined by a variety of factors. A vocal interview, for example, would be given whether you have trouble reading and writing in French or English After clearing the test, you need to meet the official for an interview where he/she will provide you your written score, test your language proficiency, verify all your documents, and can ask questions related to your application. If you have cleared the interview part, you need to appear for a ceremony where you have to oath as a Canadian citizen.

What Happens If You Don’t Pass the Test?

Okay so need to worry if you don’t pass the test on the first attempt. If you fail the first written examination but fulfill the other citizenship criteria, you will be given another chance. The second test normally occurs 4 to 8 weeks after the first, although it may take longer. If you fail the second examination, you will get a notice to appear in front of a citizenship official for an interview. The interview is expected to last between 30 to 90 minutes. It can be done in person or by videoconference, and it will inquire about your knowledge of Canada, language, and other topics. However, if you fail the exam after three attempts, the official will reject your submission. You may, however, reapply to try again.

The Bottom Line

That’s all! Here we have covered all the necessary information about the citizenship test in Canada. The process can be a little tricky but if you know all about it you can surely crack it on the first attempt. So instead of wasting time, it is wise to prepare for the exam and learn all about the Canadian culture.

In case you have any queries, you can drop us comments. We are here to help you.