Practice makes a man perfect. The more you practice, the greater would be the chances to clear the Canadian citizenship exams in one go. These practice exams also help you to overcome the weak points and improve your competency level. 

How long does the appointment of Lieutenant Governor last?
5 years
6 years
4 years
3 years



What are the men who established Canada called?
Fathers of Confederation
Fathers of the Dominion of Canada
Fathers of Canada
Fathers of the Constitution



Where do most Inuit people live?
In scattered communities across the Arctic
In the Prairie Provinces
In Ontario
On reserve lands in Quebec



What is a voter information card?
A form that tells registered voters when and where to vote
A form that indicates the candidates in an electoral district
A form that tells registered voters the province in which they may vote
A form that indicates the nearest location in which to vote



How many citizens of Canada served in the Second World War?
1 million
2 million
5 million
11 million



Which of the following is the responsibility of the federal government?



Which of the following are two responsibilities of the federal government?
National defence and foreign policy
National defence and firefighting
Citizenship and maintaining highways
Health Care and education



Which of the following is a responsibility of the provinces?
Municipal government
Interprovincial Trade and Communications



Which of the following describes two responsibilities of the provincial or territorial government?
Education and healthcare
National defence and highways
Policing and foreign policy
Policing and citizenship



Which region was stormed and captured on D-Day (June 6, 1944) by the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division?
Juno Beach



Who invented the sport of basketball?
The French



What is celebrated on the 15th of February?
National Flag of Canada Day
Family Day
Labour Day
Vimy Day



What should registered voters do if they do not receive a voter information card?
Call the local elections office
Call the taxation office
Call the police
Not vote



What is the fundamental characteristic of Canadian heritage and identity?
Canadian festivals
English Culture
French Culture



Who invented the snowmobile?
Joseph-Armand Bombardier
Emily Carr
Alexander Graham Bell
Louis Riel



How many Canadians served in the First World War?
More than 600,000
About 1,000
About 240,000
More than 80,000



Which is Canada's largest city and main financial centre?



What do Canadians normally wear on Remembrance Day?
A red poppy
A green shirt
A white shirt
A black tie



Who was the first leader of a responsible government in Canada in 1849?
Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine
Jim Basally
Sir Sam Steele
Sir John A. Macdonald



Which of the following is the highest court of Canada?
The Supreme Court
The Federal Court
A Provincial Court
The Small Claims Courts



When does Canada celebrate Thanksgiving?
The second Monday of October
The first Monday of September
The first Monday of July
The first Friday of October



Use one of the following to complete this sentence: The House of Commons is a representative committee . . .
made up of Members of Parliament elected by the people.
appointed on the advice of the Prime Minister.
made up of members selected by the Prime Minister.
appointed on the advice of the Governor General.



In which year did the British Parliament prohibit the buying and selling of slaves?



Who was the first French-Canadian Prime Minister?
Sir Wilfrid Laurier
Sir John Alexander Macdonald
Sir George-Étienne Cartier
Sir Leonard Tilley



Who contributed to the invention of the radio and also sent one of the world's first wireless voice messages?
Reginald Fessenden
Mathew Evans
Mike Lazaridis
Alexander Graham Bell



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Pass Your Canadian Citizenship Written Exam With Citizenship Practice Test

Do you want to get or retain your citizenship in Canada? Are you looking for information about the Canadian Citizenship Written Test? You have arrived at the right spot. This article will give you a detailed overview of the test along with information about the citizenship practice test. So, read along and find out all you need to know.

What is the Canadian Citizenship Test?

Citizenship Practice TestThe Department of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship in Canada conducts the Canadian Citizenship Test. An individual needs to pass this test to become a citizen of Canada. The test marks the final step before the ceremony of citizenship.

The test confirms that you possess enough knowledge about the country and you are aware of the basic rights and responsibilities of a Canadian citizen. You can either take the test in English or French.

What is the format of the test?

The test is composed of 20 questions and the format is multiple choice type. It also includes true and false questions. The time limit is 30 minutes. In order to pass, you should at least answer 15 questions correctly. To get more acquainted with the format and questions of the test, you can go through and try solving the citizenship practice test.

Though the test is usually written, at times it can also be oral. Whether you will have a written or an oral test depends on the citizenship official. An oral test is generally given at a hearing.

What is the content of the test?

The test is based on Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship’. This is the official study guide for Canadian citizenship. The test involves questions on the following topics:

  • History of Canada
  • Physical and political geography of Canada
  • Rights and responsibilities of a citizen of Canada
  • Political systems of Canada
  • Particular questions concerning the applicant’s area

Who needs to take the citizenship test?

Everyone within the age of 18-54 should sit for the Canadian citizenship test. If a person is 55 years old or more when he or she applies for the test, he or she does not have to attend the test. If a person turns 55 while the application process is on, then, he or she still has to take the test as he or she had been under 55 years when the application was signed.

What to do after attending your citizenship test?

After you take the test, a citizenship officer will meet you for an interview. The citizenship official will provide you the test results. If you are within 18-54 years, then, your language skills will be tested. Following this, he will check your original documents and verify your application. You might also need to answer few questions regarding your application.

Once you pass the test, you will receive your test results along with the ceremony date. Or, you can also receive a letter or an email from the authority mentioning the ceremony date and time.

What happens if you fail the citizenship test?

Even after going through the citizenship practice test, In case you fail the written test but successfully meet the additional citizenship criteria, then a second test will be scheduled for you. The second test generally occurs 4-8 weeks after the initial test. However, it may take more time in certain cases.

If you fail in the second test, then you will receive a notice from the concerned authority, requesting you to attend a hearing session with a citizenship officer. Throughout this session, the citizenship officer will assess if you meet all the citizenship requirements.

What to do if you miss your citizenship test?

The steps you need to take if you missed your citizenship test depends on three things:

  • if you had received the first notice to attend the written test
  • if you had received the final notice to attend the written test
  • if you had received the notice to rewrite the test

If you were asked to sit for the test for the first time, you can contact the governing body conducting the test and notify them that you missed the test. After this, you need to wait till another date is automatically rescheduled for you.

If you were given a final notice but missed it, you need to contact the test conducting body within 30 days of the mentioned test date. The local office responsible for processing your application will check whether you had a valid reason for not turning up on the test date. If you have a valid reason, you will get another notice mentioning the test date.

If you missed rewriting a scheduled test, you should again contact the authority within 30 days of the mentioned test date. Here also, the local office will check your reason. In case you have a valid reason, you will get an opportunity to rewrite the test.

Are citizenship practice tests available online?

Several websites provide online tests for applicants to practice. These questions help test takers practice and review their knowledge. By taking these tests, candidates can find out their weak areas and work on those.

Some citizenship practice test websites provide coaching support and study materials in exchange for a nominal fee. Though this is helpful if you have limited time to practice for the test, however, it is always recommended to read the official guide to have a better and in-depth understanding of the subject matter.

Presently, all face-to-face citizenship tests have been canceled due to the worldwide pandemic. Applicants are now being invited to take the test online. If you do not wish to or are unable to take the test online, then you need to wait for the in-person tests to resume. You also need to wait for the authority to get in touch with you for the retests, hearings, and interviews.

However, if you wish to alter your appointment, you need to contact the office that had sent you the application. You will find the contact information in the letter you had received.