Are you ready to take the Canadian Citizenship Exam? Test your knowledge with our 250 question practice test. It’s free!

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In what year did Canada become an independent country?



Where does the name "Canada" come from?
From "kanata", the Huron-Iroquois word for village
From “kanata”, the Métis word meaning ‘rivers’
From “Canadienne”, the French word meaning ‘joining’
From “cantata”, the Inuit word meaning ‘country’



Which of the following is the responsibility of the provincial governments?
Interprovincial Trade and Communications



Where do the English and French have equal status in Canada?
In the Parliament of Canada
At City Hall
In the workplace
In Quebec



What is the population of Canada?
35 million
39 million
21 million
17 million



What do people promise when they take the Oath of Citizenship?
They pledge allegiance to the Queen, they pledge to observe the laws of Canada, and they pledge to fulfill the duties of a Canadian citizen
They pledge allegiance to the Queen and they pledge to observe the laws of Canada
They pledge to observe the laws of Canada and they pledge to fulfill the duties of a Canadian citizen
They pledge to fulfill the duties of a Canadian citizen and they pledge allegiance to the Queen



Which province has a long history of coal mining, forestry, and agriculture?
Nova Scotia
New Brunswick
Prince Edward Island



In what way do electors mark their choice on a federal election ballot?
By putting "X" in the circle beside the name of their chosen candidate
By putting "-" in the circle beside the name of their chosen candidate
By writing the name of their chosen candidate on the ballot
By writing "YES" in the circle beside the name of their chosen candidate



Who is Canada's Head of State?
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
The Governor General
The Prime Minister
The Senate



What is a major river in Quebec?
The St. Lawrence River
The Niagara River
The Hudson's Bay
The Fraser River



What is the meaning of the Remembrance Day poppy?
To remember the sacrifice of Canadians who have served or died in wars up to the present day
To honour Prime Ministers who have died
To celebrate Confederation
To remember the Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II



What are the three parts of the Canadian Parliament?
The Queen, the House of Commons, and the Senate
The Queen, the Governor General, and the Prime Minister
The Prime Minister, the House of Commons, and the Senate
The Prime Minister, the Premiers, and the House of Commons



Which is the most famous invention of Research In Motion (RIM), a wireless communications company?
The Blackberry
The first electronic voice message
The Canadarm
The iPhone



All applicants are required to provide proof of English or French language skills to become a Canadian citizen with the exception of the following:
Adult applicants 55 years of age and over
Adult applicants 65 years of age and over
Adult applicants 50 years of age and over
Adult applicants 40 years of age and over



Which of the following is the responsibility of the municipal government?
Aboriginal Affairs



In Canada, are voters obliged to tell others how they voted?
No, but they may choose to discuss how they voted with others
If the Lieutenant Governor asks, yes
If a Member of Parliament asks, yes
If a family member would like to know how they voted, yes



Which of the following is the oldest colony of the British Empire in Canada?
Newfoundland & Labrador



Where are the Parliament Buildings located?
In Ottawa
In Quebec City
In Hull
In Toronto



Who is the federal representative of Canada’s Monarch?
The Governor General of Canada
The Prime Minister's spouse
The Prime Minister
The Premier



Which level of government passes "by-laws"?



Which courts are for civil cases involving small sums of money?
The Small Claims Courts
Trial Courts
The Federal Court
Provincial Courts



How many electoral districts are there in Canada?



How many Canadians served in World War II?
More than 1 000 000
About 1,000
More than 5 000 000
About 400,000



What are the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers together called?
The Cabinet
The Government
The Senate
The House of Commons



What are the four legal rights of citizenship of Canada?
The right to be educated in either official language, the right to vote, the right to apply for a Canadian passport, and the right to enter and leave Canada freely
The right to travel, the right to live anywhere, the right to work anywhere, and the right to get married
The right to go to school, the right to work, the right to have a bank account, and the right to travel
The right to have a job, the right to vote, the right to drive, and the right to go to school



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How Can Citizenship Test Practice Questions Help to Pass Canadian Citizenship Exam

Do you want to pass the Canadian citizenship test on the first attempt? Are you looking for some help to make it easy? If yes, you can consider citizenship test practice. Many free practice tests are available online. You can take as many as you want from the comfort of your home. Some websites can even help you more. You can get materials for the test.

Many people want to get Canadian citizenship. They meet all the eligibility requirements. However, they find the test a bit complex. They have to cover every aspect of Canada to pass the test. You can make it easy with proper preparation. You do not need to study all the time. Instead, you need to cover the right thing. More importantly, you will have to test your knowledge from different sources to know how close you are to your citizenship. Here citizenship test practice comes in.

How to Practice for Canadian Citizenship Test

Citizenship Test Practice Questions It is worth mentioning that you should not wait for the test notice to start your preparation. You will have to start it much before. If you meet the eligibility requirements and you want citizenship, you will have to start exploring Canada. You should not limit your research to any particular aspect. Instead, you will have to focus on almost everything. The test will evaluate your knowledge about Canada. It will ask about history, politics, culture, and symbols. Also, it will determine your French and English skills. You will have to give a written test and an interview. That means you will have to develop both your reading and speaking skills. In some cases, the citizenship officer might ask you for an oral test if the official is convinced that you are unable to write well in any of the above-mentioned languages.

When it comes to the preparation, you will have to cover Discover Canada. The guide is prepared by the government. Therefore, you can get all the possible questions. Make your time and cover the guide thoroughly. If you do not want to read, you can check the audio format. Also, you can get a printed copy. You can choose any version that you find comfortable. But make sure that you are re-studying the guide many times to be fully aware of the Canadian culture, history, politics, and symbols.

Once you are done with your preparation, the next step is to test your ability and knowledge. You might be thinking that how to do this. You can consider practice tests. The practice tests can help all those who want to be familiar with the test process.

Online Free Practice Tests

As stated earlier, you can take many practice tests from the comfort of your home. We can take the example of the Canadian Citizenship Test. It will have 400 hundred questions. You can go through all those questions and prepare yourself for the test. The best part is that it is free, and you can use any of your convenient devices that include your mobile and computer. More importantly, all the questions will come from Discover Canada. The guide is designed by the government to help all those who want to become the citizen of Canada. 

You can take the chapter test and simulation test. Yes, these tests are free and can bring you closer to your Canadian citizenship goal. These tests will prepare you for your citizenship test. If you did not perform well, you should not feel bad. Instead, go back to the learning phase and cover Discover Canada again. As mentioned earlier, you will have to study this guide thoroughly. This is a must if you want to pass the citizenship test in the first attempt itself.

It is not about the written test only. The guide will enable you to perform better in your interview. Another noteworthy practice test is Richmond Public Library Test. The test will have 100 multiple-choice questions. Again, all the questions will come from Discover Canada. In brief, we can say that if you know what is in Discover Canada, you can perform your best in citizenship test practice. If you are unable to score well, you need more preparation.

In addition to the above, you can take an online citizenship quiz and Canadian citizenship Test at All these tests will help you to know the probable questions. As these are free, you can take them to know how much you are prepared for the citizenship test.

Benefits of Citizenship Test Practice

You know which subjects will come in the Canadian citizenship test. You have gone through all the possible subjects. But you do not know the type of questions. The course is vast, and the questions are only twenty. If you leave something, you might not answer one question. It is ok if one answer goes wrong. However, you will have to write fifteen correct answers to pass the test. Therefore, you can take many free tests to be familiar with the questions. Here are some other benefits of the practice test.

  • Almost all the tests will cover the same guide that you are studying for the test
  • You will not have to pay for practice tests
  • You can take many practice tests
  • They will enable you to understand your level of the preparation
  • They will make you confident about the citizenship test
  • Easily accessible

Practice tests are worth trying. Otherwise, you will be a bit nervous or anxious on the test day. You should know what type of questions will come. Also, practice tests can help to find out the improvement areas. For example, if you are unable to write correct answers about Canadian politics, you can focus more on politics. Practice test means as if you are writing your first citizenship test. When you write next time, you will be more positive.

Wrapping Up

Canadian citizenship test will determine your knowledge about Canada. You can get all the required material from Discover Canada. But make sure that you are considering some practice tests before writing the citizenship test. It will make you better capable and confident.