Real Estate Essentials - Test 05

If you are preparing for the Ontario Real Estate Essentials Test, you are in the right place. With our online practice tests, you can get an accurate understanding of the exam format and question types. The test assesses your knowledge of real estate laws, principles, and practices in Ontario. It covers various topics, including property ownership, mortgages, financing, and contracts. By taking advantage of our free practice tests, you can gain an edge over other candidates and increase your chances of passing the test on your first attempt. In addition to providing a simulated testing environment, our practice tests also come with detailed explanations of correct answers, allowing you to learn from your mistakes and refine your knowledge.


Real Estate Essentials - Practice Test 05

Ontario Real Estate Essentials - Course 1

1 / 30

In breach of contract cases, a court may recommend a specific performance remedy, which is what?

2 / 30

Both spouses have equal right of possession of a matrimonial home…?

3 / 30

The Official Plan for a municipality may extend up to how far in the future?

4 / 30

When an owner applies for land severance, the approval body must give its decision within…?

5 / 30

In terms of "for sale", "open house" and "sold" signs, which of these is controlled by zoning bylaws?

6 / 30

A "common mistake" in a contract occurs when…?

7 / 30

Provincial policy statements address planning matters of public interest and are reviewed every…?

8 / 30

All electronic documents held by a brokerage must be…?

9 / 30

A Subdivision Plan registration is usually required when a landowner wants to divide their land into more than…?

10 / 30

If one spouse is the registered owner of a matrimonial home and the other is not, they may not dispose of it, mortgage or income rate without…?

11 / 30

The Family Law Act provides similar rights for common-law spouses as for married spouses as long as the couple have lived together for…?

12 / 30

Rescission means that a contract…?

13 / 30

Salespersons must witness electronic signatures and ensure that what is added to them?

14 / 30

Electronic signatures may only be used in a transaction if…?

15 / 30

If a landowner is granted land severance with conditional consent, they usually have how long to fulfil the conditions set?

16 / 30

A Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT) is responsible for hearing…?

17 / 30

A contract for land will be generally avoidable, sometimes void or never binding if the contract is made with a person under what age?

18 / 30

If the owner of a plot wishes to divide it up into two plots, they must apply to the local municipality for approval of…?

19 / 30

If both parties agree to terminate a contract, the contract is terminated by…?

20 / 30

Which of these falls under zoning bylaws?

21 / 30

Which of these would count as sensitive personal information rather than just personal information?

22 / 30

Which of these assumes all responsibilities under the Municipal Act?

23 / 30

Which of these Canadian cities is governed under a specific Act of Parliament rather than the Municipal Act?

24 / 30

Damages are only payable for breach of contract if…?

25 / 30

A contract does not need a consideration element if it is signed under…?

26 / 30

If an owner or buyer wishes to make a use of their property that is not permitted in existing zoning bylaws, they may apply to their local committee of…?

27 / 30

A contract is terminated by "frustration" when…?

28 / 30

The consideration in a contract which makes it binding may not be…?

29 / 30

A patent defect in a property is one that…?

30 / 30

Breach-of-contract occurs when…?

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